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Da Asia de Joo de Barros e de Diogo de Couto (Portuguese Edition) by De Barros, João, Parr, Ruth... ISBN: 9781116881189 List Price: $36.99
Da Asia de Joo de Barros e de Diogo de Couto by De Barros, João, Parr, Ruth... ISBN: 9781116881219 List Price: $30.75
Da Asia de Joo de Barros e de Diogo de Couto (Portuguese Edition) by De Barros, João, Parr, Ruth... ISBN: 9781116881196 List Price: $32.99
Columbus Gallery : The discoverer of the New World as represented in portraits, monuments, s... by Ponce De León, Néstor, Parr... ISBN: 9781175646514 List Price: $23.75
Histoire du Commerce et de la Marine en Belgique by Bruyssel, Ernest Jean Van, ... ISBN: 9781176141612 List Price: $32.75
Historia Del Real Monasterio de Sixen : Añadense al fin quatro disertaciones criticas, sobre... by Baron Y Orzain, Marco Anton... ISBN: 9781178473261 List Price: $32.75
History of Geographical Discovery in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Heawood, Edward, Parr, Char... ISBN: 9781178509830 List Price: $38.75
History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth-- : With an account of the emperor's l... by Robertson, William, Parr, C... ISBN: 9781178534962 List Price: $43.75
Historia de Los Indios de la Nueva Espan : Crita a mediados del siglo XVI by Motolinía, Toribio, Parr, C... ISBN: 9781178553307 List Price: $31.75
James and Philip Van Arteveld : Two episodes in the history of the fourteenth Century by Hutton, James, Parr, Charle... ISBN: 9781178671483 List Price: $34.75
Cuna Del Descubridor de América, Cristobál Colón; Gloria Latina; Honor de Italia; Lustre de ... by Solari, Juan, Parr, Charles... ISBN: 9781178825077 List Price: $18.75
Biblioteca Filipin : ó sea catálogo razonado de todos los impresos, tanto insulares como ext... by Pardo De Tavera, T. h. 1857... ISBN: 9781174594205 List Price: $36.75
Antonio Gallo E la Familia Di Cristoforo Colombo by Staglieno, Marcello, Parr, ... ISBN: 9781174791932 List Price: $15.75
Descripcion Del Reyno de Galicia, y de Las Cosas Notables Del by Sagrario De Molina, Bartolo... ISBN: 9781175954121 List Price: $22.75
Christophe Colomb et la Découverte du Nouveau Monde by Belloy, Marquis De 1815-187... ISBN: 9781175249128 List Price: $26.75
Christianity in Ceylon : Its introduction and progress under the Portuguese, the Dutch, the ... by Tennent, James Emerson, Par... ISBN: 9781175258342 List Price: $33.75
Da Asia de João de Barros E de Diogo de Couto by Parr, Charles McKew Donor, ... ISBN: 9781175123282 List Price: $43.75
Continente Americano : Conferencias dadas en el Ateneo científico, literario y artístico de ... by Parr, Charles McKew Donor, ... ISBN: 9781175143402 List Price: $47.75
Continente Americano : Conferencias dadas en el Ateneo científico, literario y artístico de ... by Parr, Charles McKew Donor, ... ISBN: 9781175143396 List Price: $50.75
Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities a Fortnight's Tour in North-Western Arabi by Parr, Charles McKew Donor, ... ISBN: 9781175162564 List Price: $36.75
Confederación perú-Boliviana y Chile; Tendencias y Principios Manifiestos de Las Naciones Be... by Parr, Charles McKew Donor, ... ISBN: 9781175211118 List Price: $17.75
Sobre la Pronunciacion Del Diptongo Ie en la Época de Gonzalo de Berceo by Parr, Charles McKew Donor, ... ISBN: 9781175363350 List Price: $15.75
Ferno de Magalhes (Portuguese Edition) by J M. Latino 1825-1891 Coelh... ISBN: 9781178650303 List Price: $26.75
El Portugu S Gonzalo de Acosta Al Servicio de Espagna; Estudio Hist Rico Por J.T. Medina (Sp... by Josbe Toribio Medina, Charl... ISBN: 9781178513547 List Price: $19.75
Inventory and Survey of the Armouries of the Tower of London by Ffoulkes, Charles John, Par... ISBN: 9781178620825 List Price: $28.75
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